Conservation Planning
One of the main contributions from the Oahu Soil an Water Conservation Districts is providing conservation plans to farmers and conservationists. If you are interested in a conservation plan, please contact us. Learn about steps you can take to prepare for getting your conservation plan here.
A conservation plan will provide a permit exemption for soil disturbing work such as:
- Grading (more than 3’ elevation change, or 50 cubic yards)
- Stockpiling (more than 100 cubic yards)
- Grubbing (removing any vegetation on 15,000 square feet or greater and trenching
Without a conservation plan, a Special Management Area permit is required if the planned work is in the Special Management Area, this is mostly work near the coastal areas and is tied to Coastal Zone Management program requirements*. Each county is responsible for issuing this permit.
Conservation Technical Assistance
The Districts also offer Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) to farmers and conservationists. Please contact us if you are interested in getting technical assistance for your farming or conservation project.
Technical Assistance can range from preparing a conservation plan with specific practices to achieve conservation, or providing resources for plant materials, experts and other tools.
Conservation Planning Services are also offered by Oahu Resource Conservation Development Council (ORCD) and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
Public Outreach
The Oahu SWCD participate in farming and conservation events throughout the year. Please visit our calendar for public outreach and volunteer opportunities.
One of our major projects is the Conservation Awareness Program, a land judging contest for high school aged students.
Additionally, please let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list for conservation events and farming workshops
Special Projects
- Conservation planning
- Watershed planning
- Flood prevention
- Reforestation
- Polluted runoff control
- Wildlife habitat
- Conservation education
Financial Assistance
NRCS and other programs offer financial assistance via an application process. Check out other financial resources and new farmer information resources.
The 2014 Farm Bill is here! You can find more details on the NRCS website
*Land which is being managed in accordance with soil conservation practices acceptable to the applicable soil and water conservation district directors, and that a comprehensive conservation program is being actively pursued for the entire area in the program and that the conservation program with appropriate modification is reviewed and accepted by the soil and water conservation district directors periodically but not less than once every five years and shall be made available to the city and county; provided, however, that no grading which, in the opinion of the chief engineer, endangers abutting properties or which alters the general drainage pattern with respect to abutting properties shall be commenced or performed without a grading permit;